We interrupt this program…
Sometimes we feel called to say more about what is going on in our lives than meets the eye. All our blogs are about home and design and all things pretty, but today I wanted to just do a one off where I riff about…life!
It’s a rainy January day and today, and even for the last little while, I am finding myself in a contemplative state. What does this New Year hold for any of us?
We can think of this both on a micro level and a macro level. On a micro level it is, “what does this next year hold for me and my loved ones? Will we all be safe and healthy and happy?” On a macro level we think about the world. “Will Trump come to reason or will he continue to ignite and inflame the world with his outrageous tweets?” They say we are the brink of something big in the world. I can get impatient with this. I mean, come on people! Can’t “they” just oust bad politicians and get on with governing from a heart centred, humanitarian place? Apparently not. I have been relying on “they” since last November and apparently “they” don’t seem to hold the power I thought they did.
The situation we are facing in the world with the governing administration down south has really led me on a new thread of the self-awareness path. I am having to learn to have patience with life and all the uncertainty it throws at us, even on the macro level. I think most of us like to believe we have some sort of control over our lives but this new experience is showing us that we really do NOT have control over things, at least not as much as we may think or hope. I am learning we need to trust in something bigger than ourselves as individuals. We are all in this together. There is something about that that can bring a bit of peace to one’s heart. Maybe this whole experience has been to show us all how connected we really are.
I know last November when Trump was elected I felt physically ill. My brain couldn’t absorb that this was happening. I had bouts of panic. And I had several friends and family that felt similarly to me. Since then I feel I have grown. I still don’t like what is happening by a long shot BUT I can see how it has mobilized us, brought the world more together in some way. Yes, it has also divided us but it has also brought us more together. I had never been interested in politics before and now I am. I am more empowered that my opinion matters! That has to be a good thing.

We participated in a postcard campaign, urging our leaders to stand up for Canadian values across all levels of government

The Hear our Voice campaign grew out of the Women’s March and has become a global movement we’re proud to be part of. Find out more here
There is not one cell in my body that can relate to this new American administration but I will say I have felt tremendous feelings this last year that I probably wouldn’t have felt otherwise. It has brought the dark to the light for us all to examine.
This holiday season I noticed more Christmas lights than ever before. For some reason, I read this as a sign of hope. It felt connecting to me-to drive around and see neighborhoods full of lights warmed me somehow. We are all lighting up more! That has to be good.
I so believe 2018 will be better. Some goodness will be happening. We need to keep our eyes and hearts open to that goodness and watch the change happen.
Many blessings to you as we all forge ahead into 2018!
And now back to our regular programming…
Beth Clark
January 26, 2018 at 6:41 amVery thought provoking in regards to the the positive side of Trump being in office. It reminds me of a line from the movie, “Star Man” with Jeff Bridges I believe, if my memory serves me well, which isn’t always the case now. He says something like, you humans seem to be at your best when things are at their worst”. This might be true.
March 29, 2018 at 12:41 pmThanks for reading Beth. Hard to figure out what is going on in our world these days!