THE Best Chocolate Cake – EVER
THE Best Chocolate Cake-Ever
At my house, chocolate cake is the cake ordered from my kitchen for birthday dinners for many of my family members. Two of my kids like my Oreo Cheesecake so Ill do that recipe another day but for today’s blog I want to share this chocolate cake.
I got the recipe MANY years ago while away at a swim meet. A fellow parent and I were on duty chaperoning an away meet for our kids. This meant we supplied and cooked food for a lot of swimmers and coaches over a 4 day period. It was a big task to say the least. Anyway, my friend Joan Chocholik brought this cake along to feed the swimmers as a treat one night after dinner. I have never made another chocolate cake after I tried this one. So, today I am passing it on. I dare you to try and top this one!
This recipe actually calls for beets. I try to get away with thinking it makes it healthy but I think I’m kidding myself on that one. The beets do make it super moist though, and you certainly can’t tell it has beets in it. Here’s the recipe!
Maritimer’s Chocolate Beet Cake
1 1/2c white sugar
2 eggs
1 c canola
14 oz. can beets with a LITTLE of the juice, pureed
1 t vanilla
6 T Cocoa
1 ¾ c all purpose flour
1 ½ t baking soda
1 ½ t salt
¾ t peppermint extract
- Beat sugar and eggs in mixer
- Add pureed beets and oil
- Stir in cocoa, flour, soda, salt, peppermint and vanilla
- Beat for 2 mins
- Turn batter into 9 x 13 oiled pan or two round ones
- Bake at 350F for aprox 35 mins (or unitl toothpick comes out clean)
- Ice cake when cool
Chocolate Icing
Mix together
- ½ c soft butter
- 1 c icing sugar
- 2/3 c Cocoa
- 1 t vanilla
- 2 T milk
- 2 T hot coffee
Mix all ingredients until smooth
Let us know how you like this. I have been asked for this recipe so many times so I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!!