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Designers Collective Goes to Alt Summit

Alt Summit is a bloggerā€™s social media conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, each year. Tina thought it would be good for us to attend. Iā€¦reluctantly agreed. I say this because I knew I would be meeting a lot of new people and that means putting oneā€™s self ā€œout thereā€. This is hard for me. Iā€™d much prefer to be in the background, not in the forefront sticking out my hand to shake a new personā€™s hand and be...

What is a ‘Colour of the Year’ and Why Should We Care?

What is a Colour of the Year? Who is Pantone and why do we care?Pantone began as a commercial printing company in the 1950s. Their color-matching system for the print and design industry has become the global standard. They have further cemented their influence by introducing the ā€˜Colour of the Yearā€™ every year since 2000.We care because Pantone has a big influence on our life since their choice for Colour of the Year informs designers in graphic design, packaging, branding,...