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alt summit Tag

Alt Summit in Palm Springs

Alt Summit in Palm SpringsAs our time in Palm Springs comes to a close I am reflecting back on all we have seen and learned this last week at Alt Summit. Alt Summit is mainly a women’s entrepreneurial/bloggers conference that caught our attention a few years back after Tina took some online Alt courses. For the last several years it has been held in Salt Lake city but this year they changed it up and it was held in Palm Springs. The...

September Musings and Updates

September Musings and UpdatesI can’t believe September is here in full force already. Where did summer go? I know we had a busy summer and had lots of fun in the sun but wow, did September ever sneak up on us!Designers Collective has had a pretty packed few months and we have some exciting news to share with you. First of all, we moved offices. We are so excited to have our little studio in The Armoury Design District. We...

The Happy Kitchen Project: Recipe for A HAPPY KITCHEN

Day 30: The Happy Kitchen Project: Recipe for A HAPPY KITCHENTake a measure of fresh food,  mix with a full cup each of comfort, warmth and cheer, sprinkle with laughter, add plenty of love and personality, and fold in the memories!IngredientsAn abundance of beverages such as lemonade, tea, coffee or wine and spirits A plethora of nibbles for hungry guests Use Fresh Herbs whenever possible. Add a touch of warmth with an area rug or floor mat Blend...

Happy Kitchen Project: Kitchen Accessories

Day 26: Happy Kitchen Project: Kitchen AccessoriesWe are on to the final week of our “Happy Kitchen Project” which means we are down to our final few posts about “happy kitchens”. We’ve talked about many different ways to inject that “happy” vibe into your space and many different recipes and ideas to turn your kitchen into your favourite room where you can gather to create memories with family and friends.The final touches to any space are the accessories. This is...

The Happy Kitchen Project: Decorating with Flowers

Day 24: The Happy Kitchen Project: Decorating with FlowersNothing says happy more than flowers! Fresh flowers bring new life and energy to any space and remind us that we are all beautiful, living beings. Flowers always delight the senses, while adding colour and fragrance to any kitchen.Flowers are inviting and welcoming and always evoke a positive emotional response.So brighten up your space with fresh-cut flowers for that Happy Kitchen vibe we have been working towards.Flowers also add a personal touch!...

Happy Kitchen Project: Painting Ombré Chairs

Day 20: Happy Kitchen Project: Painting OmbrĂ© ChairsSo far on our month long “happy kitchen project” journey we have had recipes and colours and accessories and how to shop for your pantry and tea towels and vintage finds
Well, you get it- we’ve covered a LOT! Check it out here if you haven’t yet.But what about furniture? Last February Tina and I went to Victoria for a media workshop run by @moonrisecreative. We had the pleasure of visiting Leslie Shewring’s studio...

Happy Kitchen Project: Placemats Anyone? DIY

Day 18: Happy Kitchen Project: Placemats Anyone? DIYWe’ve been blogging about the Happy Kitchen Project this month, and are having so much fun collaborating with Mandi from @chewsylovers. We’ve been alternating days for a month long blogging stint about how to inject your kitchen with that happiness vibe we all crave.So how do you set your happy kitchen table?Placemats can be a great, fun and creative way to express your individuality. We came across these amazing placemats made by a...

Happy Kitchen Project: Pantry Cooking

Day 9: Happy Kitchen Project: Pantry CookingWe are talking Pantry Cooking on Day 9 of the â€Ș#‎HappyKitchenProject‬ with Mandi of Chewsy Lovers in Florida.With everyone heading back to school this is one skill you'll want to get right. Today, Mandi is sharing her best tips to help you get started pantry cooking and explaining why every kitchen pantry needs a "Dream Team!"Get the post here.Do you have a Happy Kitchen tip you’d like to share with us? Send us a...

Happy Kitchen Project: Essential Cooking Tools

Day 5: Happy Kitchen Project: 16 Tools Every Kitchen NeedsToday, for day 5 of our Happy Kitchen Project, Mandi from Chewsy Lovers is sharing some essential tools for the kitchen. Whether you are a beginning cook just starting out, or an expert, these are tools every happy kitchen should have. There is nothing worse than seeing a recipe you want to try and you not have the tools you need to make it.A Happy Kitchen is one that is equipped...


The Happy Kitchen Project! Welcome! We are so excited to announce a special collaboration between Designers Collective, from Vancouver Canada, and Chewsy Lovers from Fort Lauderdale Florida, that you are going to LOVE!Join us for a 30 day challenge to fall in love with your kitchen again. With our design ideas, tips, inspirations, and cooking hacks, you will create your own 'Happy Kitchen'. By the end of the month we hope your kitchen will become the most favorite room in your...