Reflecting on 5 Years of DC
Life has a funny way of shifting around and veering off into unexpected directions– but who are we to run away from a challenge? Designers Collective started 5 years ago and we started with big changes– we created a partnership out of a mutual love for all things design and jumped in to exploring our local design community. Now, we have more changes coming or way! Over the next couple months we will be embracing a few new things (including a huge move!) and pivoting the focus of Designers Collective. We thought we’d take some time and reflect on our 5 fabulous year so far…
LOCAL Pop Up Shops
We dove off the deep end with this one. It didn’t matter we had never organized something like this before, but Vancouver and the surrounding communities have such a rich culture of creatives and makers it made this process easy– it was honestly hardest to choose what businesses to include! Like our clients, we loved hearing the stories behind the products we included in our LOCAL shops and we grew to love the local creative scene.

Furniture, Cushions, Fine Art, oh my! We loved this vignette from our original LOCAL shop

Original furniture design by Brett Reikert

The crowds enjoying our shop launch!

Botany succulents, Konzuk fine jewlellery, and Brett Reikert’s fabulous marble table at our LOCAL Love shop

Clos du Soliel feeling the love at LOCAL love

Designers Collective at LOCAL Spring at our (then) new digs in MacKenzie Heights!
This was a natural extension of our own design practice– inviting local experts and using our own extensive experience to give exclusive classes to amateurs and professionals alike (and let’s be honest, it was really fun…). We delved into colour, design, photography, aesthetics, gardening, styling, holiday projects…. you name it!

One of our many fabulous painting classes with Lauren Morris

Our Eucalyptus Wreath– looks and smells divine!
Design Tours
Design is global and travel is a great teacher. Sometimes going to the source is the best way to really understand something, not to mention give you an incredible experience. We had a great time bringing various groups to LA, around Vancouver, and (in the future!) to the gorgeous Baja peninsula… We can’t wait to continue this fabulous design experience!

Smiles all around!

The LA Gang Poolside
Design Projects
At the heart of it all, we are designers, and the best way to sharpen our instincts and make sure we are at the forefront of design is to practice as designers! Simple enough right? Having two distinct styles and two minds in Designers Collective, we were able to find a great balance for our clients and open each other’s eyes to different ideas and work with each other to find the best possible solutions in our projects…

Simple touches from this Surrey Townhome

This luxe kitchen has become one of our all-time favourites

Dinner x Design, the ultimate west coast party table

A little touch of pretty…

Colour, texture, and a bit of styling in this Olympic Village condo
When it comes down to it, we love design. We are so excited to explore as many facets of this industry as we can, both as Designers Collective and as individual designers. We can’t wait to show you what we have coming! Stay tuned for our next post about what we have coming!
-Tina + Brooke