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Examples: More on Accent Walls -
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Examples: More on Accent Walls

On our last blog talked about why we like accent walls. We wanted to follow up with a few more inspiring examples of creative ways to think outside the designers’ box. Colour, texture, paneling, wallpapers, and large murals are all great ways to create an accent wall and focal point in your rooms.


On met l’accent sur la couleur de peinture pour salon!

Although two dimensional, the yellow articulates an office area in this living room. Almost tongue in cheek, a fun way to create an office. Image from here.

Accent walls

Highlight mosaic tiles wrap the corner to complete the cube. From Kitsilano 2 Renovation. Studio Do

accent walls

This wallpaper evokes a huge, high up window overlooking a densely wooded mountain area. I really like it.

accent walls

Deep inky colour, as well as wood strips to create a pattern emulating paneling. The dark colour makes everything in front of it pop! Source: Wayfair

accent walls

This floral mural has big impact, with a romantic touch, in this living room. Image from here.

accent walls

Patterned wood backdrop adds texture, warmth and visual interest. source here

Some of these accent wall examples are easier to install than the others. Paint is one of the best ways to transform a room with minimal effort.  The murals are a great way to add some pizazz to rental units as they can be both applied and removed easily. The big floral mural costs $52.80 USD. Small investment for huge impact.

If you do have or plan to do an accent wall let us know how it turns out.


Next week we will be looking at Creative Storage ideas.

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