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Author: Brooke

What’s Right With This Room?

What’s Right With This Room?It’s time again for What’s Right With This Room. We’ve done a few blogs now about What’s Wrong With This Room, but have only done one about What’s Right. So, let’s delve into some photos and see if we can see what really works in these images.I like this image below. The board wall that has been painted out, adds a nice rustic feel but has a contemporary vibe because it has been painted white. The...

Coming Soon! Curated Objets d’art Gallery Pop-Up Shop

Designers Collective Curated Objets d'art Gallery Pop-Up ShopWe are pretty excited about what we have coming up! We are curating a Pop-Up Shop in late November that we are calling Designers Collective Curated Objets d'art Gallery, easily described by our favourite hashtag #localisthenewblack.We are collaborating with some amazing Vancouver artists and designers to bring you some beautiful art pieces, ceramics, jewelry and succulents. We have carefully chosen and selected unique and creative makers for the Pop Up so it should...

Halloween: Get the Vibe Tastefully

Halloween: Get the Vibe TastefullyAs Halloween is approaching I have been seeing a lot of decorations popping up around town. It has gotten me thinking…how can a person decorate for Halloween but stay true to their personal style? Halloween doesn’t have to be all ghosts and goblins or scary. You can use a small amount of black or orange or spiders or…to get the vibe of Halloween across.So, that started me on a google search. Halloween decorating. Nope, that brought...

Reflecting on Gratitude

Reflecting on GratitudeMonday was Thanksgiving. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving always brings up the topic of gratitude, giving thanks for all we have. Abundance is ours. Sometimes we forget this from day to day and we would like to take this opportunity to remind ourselves of gratitude.Traditional Landscape Sometimes it is good to just slow down a bit and notice what we do have. I don’t want to be that person who is never happy because I...

What’s Wrong With This Room?

What’s Wrong With This Room?It is time for another episode of What’s Wrong With This Room? It’s good to look at photographs of home décor or design so you can notice what appeals to you but also so you can train your eye to really analyze a photo and see what works and what doesn’t.Here we go!!What do you think of this first image? Can you see something that could look a bit better?Here the painting doesn’t quite relate to...

Front Porch Decorating

Front Porch DecoratingFall is here in full force. Even though the days continue to be sunny and quite warm, the mornings are crisp and the nights cool down considerably. The rain is… inevitable. So it’s time to put away all the deck cushions and start to think of hunkering down for the next two seasons.And with that change of weather and change of our daily activities comes another thought-we get to change our décor! By this I don’t mean a...

Thanksgiving Tablescape

Thanksgiving TablescapeAre you starting to think about your Thanksgiving yet? Psst…It’s just around the corner. Perhaps you have ordered your turkey and have thought ahead to your menu, but what about your table setting? We have come up with a couple of  ideas that may make you want to change up your table setting this year.We decided to see if we could do an inexpensive approach to decorating a Thanksgiving table this year. We still just love the rustic look...

IDS West Round UP

IDS West Round UPDid you go to the Interior Design Show West (IDS West) this year? We actually got VIP tickets to the Miele pre-party and the opening night party! (Yeah, we did!). We got wined and appied, and got the low down on Miele’s newest and boldest designs.What stuck us was how beautiful their appliances are. German designed and operated by the Miele family, the appliances are gorgeous to look at and second to none for functionality....

Creative Therapy With Designers Collective

Creative TherapyOn Monday evening we hosted our first ever, Creative Therapy session. We opened our studio to 12 women to “get creative “making Mala inspired necklaces.   And did we ever get creative! We had the same supplies available for everyone and had a few necklaces around for inspiration, yet each person’s necklace was interesting and unique to them.We used glass beads for the majority of the necklace and had a few accent beads to be used as the main event.The...

Roman Blinds Anyone?

Roman Blinds Anyone?As we are continuing our discussion about window coverings we really can’t miss chatting about the roman blind. Roman blinds have been around for many years in many incarnations. They can be timeless if fabric and style are chosen well.What is a roman blind? Essentially, it is a fabric shade that can be raised or lowered with a pulley system. Roman blinds can be made out of many different fabrics-even sheers- so there really is a look for...