2020 Vision: A New Year and A New Decade
And I am back…..Happy New Year Everyone!
It’s 2020: for me, the year of clarity. It’s not so much about making resolutions but more about goal-setting, that is, setting real, actionable, track-able objectives. It’s a new year and a new decade that I anticipate will bring much clarity to who I am, and what I want to do.
Things Have Changed:
With so many changes this past year I have to admit that my vision was clouded. My trusty business partner Brooke, left our partnership to fulfill her dream of moving to Victoria to renovate her new home. Brooke has always been very clear about what she wants to do and is able to focus on ensuring her vision comes to fruition. For me, the way forward wasn’t so clear. I felt in limbo this past year.
Solo Adventures:
Now on my own, I found myself distracted by all the opportunity I saw around me. There is so much I want to do and try that I often felt unable to prioritize. Add that to my own insecurities and you have one paralyzed individual. This made it easy to think the past year was wasted.
It’s easy to dwell on what one didn’t do and that is why it’s a good practice to do a year-end clean-up and review. It’s helpful to look back on the past year and reflect on what was actually accomplished; perhaps even giving myself a pat on the back before moving on.
Reflecting On 2019:
So what did this last year look like? On the professional front, I designed and built my own website, logo and business cards, established a name and direction for my new business and registered my firm name with my professional association (Architectural Institute of British Columbia) while obtaining professional liability insurance for all the projects I plan to do. I finished off 4 projects that were in the works, did an e-design project in Vermont, relocated my office, built a studio, and organized a design tour to Baja, Mexico, plus one to Pasadena to see Craftsman Architecture and enjoy the Rolling Stones.
I worked on my plan to complete a series of travel itineraries focusing on Art, Architecture and Design (I hope to lead more tours to design hot spots). Travel this past year alone included England in the fall, Tuscany in the summer, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, New York City, Toronto, Kingston, Buffalo, and most recently 7 weeks in India.
Oh My Blog!
But…my blogging has fallen by the way side. I have half written blogs – never finished and posted. Blogging takes work, especially when you are visual. I like to add images, which must be sourced, edited and posted. Despite the many reasons for this shortfall I am realistically committed to blogging once a week going forward; more if I can manage it.
Finding Clarity:
To make 2020 my year for clarity, I will do some dreaming, some goal setting with dates to commit to my plans, but not be limited by it because things change. The more I learn, the more I grow. All this influences my insights, vision and understanding. But then isn’t that what living a creative life is all about?
Talk next week! Tina
Brooke Hatfield
January 4, 2020 at 8:47 pmSounds like you had a great year Tina! I will look forward to reading about your new adventures.
January 14, 2020 at 2:31 pmThank you!