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2018 Trend Report: 8 Design Trends We're excited about -
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2018 Trend Report: 8 Design Trends We’re excited about

Now that we listed some major trends that are on their way out (see part one of our Trend Report here), let’s take a look at a few things that are ‘in’ for 2018. After consulting magazines, websites, and friends in the community, we came up with a list of no less than 32 incoming trends. That’s a long list and a lot of information to process… To make things a bit easier we picked 8 trends that we are most excited about!


Just part of our research… 2018 is bringing a lot of changes!


Before we get to that list, we want to identify what is changing in the design world. Trends come from changes happening in the bigger design picture– not just a bunch of arbitrary choices.  Overall we are seeing…

A slower trend turnover. An increase in sustainable practices (and consumer mindset!) means buying things that last and moving away from disposable items. The “fast and cheap” design is being phased out, and thank goodness for that! This leads to our second point…

Design with personality. In 2018, it’s edited looks, thoughtful purchases, and curated spaces that are on the rise instead of how much a room resembled last month’s catalogue.

A return to basic design principles. Like a good photograph, when a space is well-designed it feels good. Design principles like balance, proportion, rhythm, and contrast play a bigger role in 2018.


Now on to our favourite incoming trends of 2018!


1. Artisan made

This trend has been catching momentum for a while now, and we love it! Handmade and artisan-quality products add a very authentic feel to a space. We are spoiled in Vancouver, as locally-made items are plentiful and top quality. From ceramics to chandeliers, someone is making something beautiful.

This mortar and pestle from Origins Design and Fabrication studio (website here) is a beautiful example of a locally made treasure. We first spotted their work at IDS Vancouver!


2. Embracing Natural Materials

Stones, woods, leathers, textiles, and metals are huge this year– as is letting their natural qualities shine. Embracing natural elements also means embracing imperfections. The Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi (essentially, the art of imperfection) is also trending in 2018. Bye-bye synthetic stand-ins!

We revisit the leather closet handle we saw during our Dwell Home Tour in LA, leave it to LA to be right on trend!


3. Deeper, Richer, Bolder Colours

Rooms full of pastels are feeling a little 2017… Jewel tones and darker hues are making a dramatic comeback this year.

A quick Pinterest search brings up some deep and delicious hues for walls, furniture, and accessories


4. Eclectic Mixes

Rules? What rules? Mixing styles and aesthetics is very 2018. Mixing minimal and maximal elements, juxtaposing styles, combining patterns, and more! Have fun with colouring outside the lines a little bit… I know we will!

We revisit our LA Dwell Home Tour again to show this successfully eclectic space. Ornate Mirror + Sleek Modern Bathroom + Retro-inspired Brass Sconces = Personality!


5. Integrated Tech

Technology is becoming more and more ingrained in everyday life. But our homes don’t have to look like 2001:  A Space Odyssey in order to be techy. Tech advancements mean better integration with home design. Hidden LED light strips, built-in sound systems, invisible outlets, and sleek smart-home devices provide smart and efficient homes sans bulky tech eyesores.

From left to right: Sonos and Honeywell control panels, Google Home, and hidden kitchen outlets found on Pinterest


6. Plants

Embracing nature is a big theme of 2018. But unlike the succulent take-over of past years, 2018 has matured into a edited-down plant year. Space-dependent, one or two plants can add colour and texture to a space (choose your foliage wisely!), as well as increase the air quality of the room.

A few sweet cacti add a lovely pop of green as found on Elle Decor.


7. Metallic Finishes

As in fixtures, walls, ceiling, floors, everywhere! Metallics are not for everyone, but are such a good way to add a lot of visual interest. Ranging from subtle to ultra-shiny, 2018 may make metal-heads of us all…


8. Statement Floors and Ceilings 

First, Flooring is getting an upgrade… Thinking of tiling or putting in hardwood? Try laying your materials in a herringbone or chevron pattern for something new, or even add some colour! Second, Ceilings are now fair game… Metallics, paint, architectural features, and patterns will be popular features of this big blank slate.


Searching ‘statement ceilings’ and ‘statement flooring’ on pinterest is quite an adventure… so much inspiration!


So, What’s the best way to use trends?

What we love about 2018 is that design “trends” are becoming more like tools and options. As we said, we started with a list of 32 trends. 32!! You can use something trendy in a way that complements your personal style and keeps your spaces looking updated. What are the smartest ways to use trends you ask?

Sparingly at first. Take a test-drive approach: Start small, and if you like it add more! Especially if it’s a big change or if you’re unsure. There’s no rush!

Consider easy-to-change items. Small furniture, accents, and paint are a great way to add a trendy touch. And when you want a new look, it’s not too much effort or investment to swap out.

Be true to your style. If you buy something ‘for the sake of the trend’ it won’t last long, because you’ll likely replace it with something you’ll actually like. Invest in a trend only if you like it!


Enjoy 2018 and everything is has to offer! And get in touch with us at if you’re inspired to start a design project of your own, or check out our eDesign page for a look at what we offer!



  • Scarlett Smith
    January 14, 2018 at 1:56 pm

    Beautiful suggestions!

    • Alexandra
      January 14, 2018 at 9:44 pm

      Thanks! We’re looking forward to updating a few spaces with these ideas…

    • tina
      January 19, 2018 at 3:53 pm

      Hi Scarlett, Thanks for taking the time to read our blogpost and for the feedback! xox

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